Monday, August 25, 2008

Widening My Horizon

Well what an exercise that turned out to be. Like the cheetah who is searching for something out there beyond the confines of his territory, I felt like I was very much looking beyond the realms of my world when I went searching for a photo in flickr that I could turn into a jigsaw.
There are many very talented photographers storing their images for all to see, but I also felt that I did not want to use someone elses photo in this exercise. I love photography and have quite a collection of family photos stored on my home computer so finally decided I would save some of my own family pictures, taken at Orana Park Zoo into flickr, so I could "play around" with them......and Yes it was fun!!


Anonymous said...

WOW!!! great job!!! ALICE in wonderland.... You found how to put the pic up!!! It's really beautiful!

Bill said...

Dear Alice,

Still think that this image of yours is one of the Best "Big Cat" pictures I have seen in a long. long time. Congratulations.......

Biblio Chick said...

Great picture, Alice, well done - late is often better, so relax and enjoy the journey - this is one you'll never forget - it blows the mind!