Monday, October 13, 2008

NSL Learning 2.0 Wiki Sandbox

Well I must say that this exercise was highjacked for awhile by my son when I found a lot of blogs on "LOST" (one of his favourite TV programmes) in the Discovery Resource WetPaint........all those theories of what it all means.......I'm still none the wiser.
I initially was unsure of how to add my blog to the favourite blogs and in the end I "phoned a friend" who pointed me in the right direction and Hey Presto it was really easy. I think that this particular exercise was in fact relatively easy once I was talked through the "Easy Edit" steps.
When adding my current fav movies in the favourite movie site I initially tried going through the threads link and again was helped by my "phone a friend", and of course typing into a page and saving is very staight forward.
I'm still not sure what the WYSIWYG editor is!!!


Bill said...

I can imagine that it must be difficult having to compete for the "home "Computer" and then only when you have seen to your Family's needs and attendant chores. But I do admire your dogged determination to see the thing through to the end, even if only for your own satisfaction. Here's hoping that you get it done in time to qualify for one of the Rewards. I did say earlier that if I can help in anyway I would be pleased to. The offer still stands......

Biblio Chick said...

Great to see you back catching up. Keep going - you are doing well despite the constraints of sharing a computer with a whole family - one of the reasons these exercises should have been done at work rather than at home. One also has to question how one is to get help at work when one isn't permitted to do any of this at work??? Much like Alice discovered in Wonderland - some things just don't make any sense at all.